Breakthrough Technology
for Sustainable Energy Storage

1st EMPHASIS Progress Meeting

The EMPHASIS consortium held their 1st Progress Meeting in Bordeaux, nine months after the kick-off meeting in Patras, Greece. The meeting took place on October 18-19, 2023, and was graciously hosted by CANOE.

The first day of the meeting focused on the progress made by each partner in the technical work packages. Thirteen partners presented their activities and engaged in immediate discussions. Additionally, the meeting agenda included discussions on the partners' communication and dissemination activities. The consortium has already been actively participating in conferences and submitting initial publications. Furthermore, the partners discussed their individual plans for utilizing the project's results.

On the second day, the partners visited CANOE's facilities and laboratories, followed by in-depth technical discussions in breakout sessions. These sessions addressed the current status and requirements for making decisions on the project's future direction.

The EMPHASIS team expressed their satisfaction with the successful and productive progress meeting in Bordeaux. They emphasized the value of meeting in person, as it fosters a deeper connection and creates an environment where international collaboration can truly flourish.